Musical Chairs

A Classic Party Game of Speed and Fun

Musical Chairs is a fast-paced and entertaining game where participants race to sit down before all the chairs are taken. This lively game is perfect for parties, encouraging both quick reflexes and friendly competition.

Materials Needed:

  • Chairs (one less than the total number of players)
  • Music player

How to Play:

Game Setup:

  • Arrange the chairs in a circle, back to back, with one less chair than the number of participants (e.g., 10 chairs for 11 players).
  • Make sure the room has enough space for the participants to walk around the chairs.


  • Start playing music and have the participants walk in a circle around the chairs with their hands behind their backs.
  • When the music stops suddenly, everyone must quickly sit down on a chair.
  • If two people try to sit on the same chair, one of them has to find another free chair.
  • The player left without a chair when all others are seated is out of the game.

Continue the game:

  • Remove one chair after each round and start the music again.
  • Repeat this process, eliminating one player each round, until only two participants and one chair remain.

Winning the game:

  • The game ends when the last two players compete for the final chair. The player who sits down first when the music stops wins the game.

Tip: Musical Chairs is a timeless favorite that’s sure to bring energy and laughter to any gathering, perfect for kids and adults alike!