Potatoe Race

A Fun and Tricky Team Game

Potato Race is a fun-filled game where participants race to pass or balance potatoes using only spoons held in their mouths! This game tests balance and teamwork, making it a fantastic activity for children’s parties. With simple materials and easy-to-follow rules, it’s sure to bring lots of laughter and excitement.

Materials Needed:

  • One chair per participant (or two chairs for a simpler version)
  • Two tablespoons
  • Two potatoes

How to Play:

Team Passing Version:

  • Divide the children into two teams and have them sit in two rows of chairs facing each other.
  • Each participant holds a tablespoon in their mouth, with the handle facing inward.
  • Place a potato on the spoon of the first player in each team.
  • The goal is to pass the potato from one player to the next using only the spoons—no hands allowed! If the potato is dropped, it must be picked up using the spoon without hands.
  • The team that successfully passes the potato from the first to the last player wins.

Relay Race Version:

  • Place two chairs, one for each team, at a distance from the starting line.
  • The first player places a potato on the spoon in their mouth and walks around the chair and back to the starting line.
  • Upon returning, they pass the potato to the next player using only the spoon, and the process repeats.
  • The first team to have all players complete the relay wins.

For younger children:

  • They can hold the spoon in their hand instead of in their mouth while walking to make the game easier.

Tip: Potato Race is a great way to challenge balance and coordination while creating lots of laughs at any party.